Love, Joy, Peace...
What We Believe

We are first Christians, second Evangelicals, and third Missional. Some finer points of doctrine and secondary issues as we allow the pastors and leadership in our local churches to operate according to their convictions on these matters.

First, we are Christians.  This distinguishes us from other world religions and cults. We adhere to the inerrant word of God as our basis for ministry and find creeds such as the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed helpful as guides in defining our doctrine.

Second, we are Evangelical Southern Baptists, and we are in agreement with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

You can click here to read the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

Third, we are Missional. We believe that the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is our mission mandate to share the Good News not only in our local community but throughout the ends of the earth. We believe that our mission is to bring people into the church so that they can be trained to go out into their culture as effective missionaries.

Four Ships of The Church

There are some important facts for you to know about the church.  These foundational principles for the church’s ministry can help you grow as a Christian. Think of it this way. The church has four primary functions in ministry. These may be called the Four Ships of the Church.

DiscipleSHIP - As you become involved in church, it is important that you be discipled.  This means that you need to be trained and taught Biblical  spiritual principles that will help you to grow as a Christian. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, a new convert or a mature Christian, you need discipleship.  This can come through Sermons, Sunday School, Discipleship Classes, or Spiritual Mentors.

FellowSHIP - Building relationships with fellow Christians is important. We can lean on each other, we can pray for each other, and we can encourage each other. Everyone wants to be loved and cared for. I would encourage you to get involved with a Sunday School Class.  Sunday School is a great way to enjoy fellowship with other Christians.

StewardSHIP - As you begin to understand that God has blessed you and your family, you will grow to discover that all you possess is really His.  God has placed you as a steward over the things He has blessed you with.  The things you own should be used for God’s glory. You have a responsibility to help brothers and sisters in distress and to support the ministries of the church with your tithe.
What is a tithe?  In Old Testament days a tithe was ten percent of one’s possessions given as an offering.  Ten percent of your wages should be contributed to the church.  This is your tithe.  You may give to other causes through the church such as Mission Offerings, but your tithe should be a faithful gift to God.
Is tithing hard?  It is hard to start, but once you do you will discover that you can never out give God.  If you are faithful to Him with your finances He will bless you.

WorSHIP -  Worshiping God is the most important thing we will do at church! When we worship God we give Him our praise and adoration for who He is. We worship through prayer, singing, giving our tithes, testimony, and sharing God’s word.  When you come to worship you may be asking yourself the question: “What am I going to get out of this today?” This is the wrong question, for worship is not about us it is about and for God.  The question we should be asking is: “What can I give God today in worship?” We should give him our praise, and adoration.

Springvale Baptist Church
1496 Springvale Road, Lugoff, SC 29078
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